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Bespoke high impact education & training solutions for your community

Learning Specialist in middle, secondary & tertiary education.

Always With Passion...

Motivated to bring about change through education & development from remote communities to the corporate domain.


'Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answers to all questions' 

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Specialized success programmes for developing countries, refugee zones and countries recovering from crisis focussed on vocational training and skill sets for the new local reality to rebuild community & prosperity or foster environments to keep girls in school developed and implemented across Latin America & Africa.

A rich background in education, science, neuroscience and linguistics, Ana Clara personalizes education solutions to your needs. To maximise results all professional development, training and curriculum development is delivered hands-on to return to work with direct personal experience.

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Subject specific training in the areas of literacy, numeracy, English language, pedagogy, feedback & assessment, 21st century skills.

Create professional learning communities to share knowledge within your education community and find solutions to teaching within a no-to-low resouce classroom.

The most important education programmes develop teachers & trainers to provide the myriad students they encounter to grow and learn in an environment that fosters success no matter the location or learning space.



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Increasing Learning in Remote & Rural Locations

Training focussed on bringing educators the latest pedagogical practices and skills to deliver quality classes specifically designed for schools & education & training centres in rural & remote locations.

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Curriculum Development

Write and adapt curriculum to include content & skill, include cross-cutting concepts, planning, assessment protocols and delivery tequiniques that reflect the 21st centuary reality.

Tailored curriculum for vocational training to meet local needs.

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Train the Trainer

Professional development specific for educators and trainers who graduated with antiquated pedagogical techniques, have no/limited formal pedagogical training, work in training and assessment with no formal  education training. Specialist training in CLIL, Visible Thinking, The Communicative Approach for educators and trainers.

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Bespoke Courses & Vocational Training

Targeted courses designed to prepare trainers to deliver vocational training; programmes to retain youth in school; short courses to retain girls in education; specific training for educators in low-to-no resource environments; developing Special Needs programmes; developing support programmes for multi-lingual environments. 

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Clients within the public, private and third sectors across Oceania, the Americas & Sub-Saharan Africa have worked with Ana to build capacity training programmes, develop teacher training, design programmes & systems to retain young girls in school and develop many other products and services to ensure improved education and access to education in their community.

To highlight work in Mozambique, Ana works with local and international bodies to improve community opportunity through educator training in primary & secondary schools with special focus on English language. Students skilled in English language are able to undertake vocational training and enter the expanding national workforce driven by international investment and take advantage of opportunities in neighbouring English speaking countries and opportunites within the Commonwealth country community.



704 Asa Sul

Brasília, DF 70331-768


+55 (61) 99373 9837


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